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Special Education

Special Education

The Caldwell County School system is dedicated to serving the needs of and providing high-quality education for students with special needs. A wide range of special education programs and services are offered for students, ages three to twenty-one. The special education staff is a team of professionals who are trained to address a variety of issues and needs. The goal of the program is to provide specially designed instruction, related services, adaptations, and modifications to enable all students, regardless of disability, to progress and be successful in their educational setting. The staff works to assess educational strengths and needs of students; diagnose specific learning and behavior problems; evaluate mental and emotional problems which may interfere with school learning; confer with parents/guardians and teachers to interpret and discuss the result of psychological evaluations as needed; and refer students to community resources when special help is needed beyond the school level.

Appropriate educational and evaluation services are provided for students who may be referred by parents or guardians, agency personnel, or school staff members. Students are determined eligible for services if they have a disability and meet state and federally specified criteria. After an evaluation is completed, a special placement may be recommended by an admissions and release committee (ARC). Parents and guardians are involved in every stage of the evaluation and placement process. They are encouraged to contribute helpful information about the student.

A variety of programs, techniques, methods, and materials are available and utilized to individualize the student's instruction. Special education services can be provided across a continuum of service delivery methods which may include regular classroom instruction with specially designed instruction and supports, regular classroom instruction with support of a collaborating special education teacher, resource classes, special classroom setting, and home/hospital instruction for students who are unable to attend school. Related services and supports may include speech/language therapy, occupational therapy, and physical therapy.

A student's Individual Education Program (IEP) outlines the specially designed instruction needed for successful acquisition of the curriculum that is based on the content and performance standards that have been established for all students. IEP goals developed for each student will address academic, as well as social and emotional, needs. It is our mission to serve students in the least restrictive environment (LRE). For students who will primarily receive their education within special classes, efforts are made to integrate them as much as possible in mainstream activities.

Special education services are provided for students in the following categorical areas:

  • Autism (AUT)
  • Hearing Impaired (HI)
  • Deaf/Blind
  • Development Delay (DD)
  • Emotional Behavioral Disability (EBD)
  • Functional Mental Disability (FMD)
  • Mild Mental Disability (MMD)
  • Multiple Disability (MD)
  • Other Health Impairment (OHI)
  • Orthopedic Impairment (OI)
  • Specific Learning Disability (SLD)
  • Speech or Language Impairment (S/L)
  • Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
  • Visual Impairment(VI)

For more information about special education services, please contact:

Kelly Byrd
Director of Special Education
Caldwell County Schools
612 W Washington St
Princeton KY 42445
(270) 365-8000