The Board of Education is comprised of five citizens elected to serve four-year terms. At the end of his/her term, a board member wishing to continue service to the community must be re-elected by the citizens in his/her district. State law does not limit the number of terms a member may serve.
Primarily, the Board has the responsibility of establishing policies by which the Caldwell County Schools are operated. Administrators, teachers, and support personnel are employed to carry out these policies.
The Board of Education has regular monthly meetings on the third Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m with the exception of meeting on the third Tuesday of January and February due to the Monday holidays in those months. All official business of the Board is transacted in open session and minutes are recorded. The meetings are open to the public.
Board Members
Tim Kennaday, Chairman
Retired U. S. Postal Worker
District 2 (Bull Run, Bucksnort, Ward's Creek)
Jamie Bates
District 1 (Fredonia, Donaldson, Briarfield)
Kim Cook
Farmers Bank
District 3 (Big Spring, Harmony, Eddy Creek)
Stacy Brantley
Retired Teacher
District 4 (Dulaney, White Sulphur)
Anna Ray
Retired Teacher
District 5 (Butler, Airport)